Global Events
EHEDG Elections 2022

Shape the future of our association
The EHEDG Constitution and Internal Rules foresee a Foundation Board (consisting of the President, the Vice-President, a Treasurer/Secretary) and an Advisory Board (consisting of six members, plus the President), whose task is to provide informed guidance and recommendations on our long-term strategies. In accordance with the statutes, EHEDG uses a rotation system in the election of these two bodies, to create overlap in the boards in between election periods, and to guarantee continuity. Therefore only some positions are vacant at the moment.
Open positions for the term 2023 - 2026:
- the President (Foundation Board): one vacancy
- the Secretary and Treasurer (Foundation Board): one/two vacancies
- Advisory Board members: four vacancies
The elections will take place online, on 14-18 November 2022.
Please note that only EHEDG Company and Institute members have rights to vote.
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