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11:00- 12:00 (CET)

Adwy van den Berg (EHEDG), Tobias Braunegger (MULTIVAC Group) & Fredrik Hansen (Tetra Pak)

Hygienic Maintenance & Design of Food Packaging Equipment | New EHEDG Webinar

In cooperation with the Association of the Greek Manufacturers of Packaging & Materials (AGMPM), EHEDG is hosting a webinar on Hygienic Maintenance and Design of Food Packaging Equipment.

The Association of the Greek Manufacturers of Packaging & Materials (AGMPM) was founded in 1999 by the leading packaging manufacturing enterprises in Greece. Members of the Association are companies producing packaging materials out of paper and carton, aluminium, tin, plastics, glass, wood and natural fibres.



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Webinar ID: 895 2420 0594

Password: 12022025