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Doc. 8 Hygienic design principles

Third Edition, March 2018 

This document describes the principles for hygienic design of equipment and factories intended for food manufacturing. The fundamental reason for applying hygienic design principles is to prevent contamination of food products. Equipment and factories of poor hygienic design are difficult to clean.

The document details the hygienic design principles that shall be followed when designing and constructing equipment and factories for manufacturing of foods. It gives guidance on design, construction and installation so that it does not adversely affect food safety and quality. These principles apply to open and closed manufacturing operations, surrounding facilities, all being cleaned either wet or dry.

Doc. 8 is used as a basis for hygienic design evaluation within the EHEDG equipment certification program.

The content of this document covers functional requirements, intended use, materials of construction, hygienic design and construction and assessment methods.

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