Testing capabilities according to EHEDG Guideline 2
Park Allé 345
DK-2605 Brøndby
Contact: Alan Friis
Tel: +45 4262 7064
Alfr @forcetechnology.com

Testing capabilities according to EHEDG GL 2, 5, 7, 57
Centre d' Expertise Agroalimentaire, Dept. Research
50000 SAINT LO, 310 rue Popielujko, France
Contact: Dr. Nicolas Rossi
Tel. +33 6 03 45 62 98 / +33 02 33 06 71 71
n.rossi@actalia.eu / nicolas.rossi @idele.fr

Testing capabilities according to EHEDG Guidelines 2, 5, 7
Forschungszentrum Weihenstephan
für Brau- und Lebensmittelqualität
Alte Akademie 3
85354 Freising
Contact: Dr. Jürgen Hofmann
Tel.+49 174 32 00 566
j.hofmann @mytum.de

Testing capabilities according to EHEDG Guideline 57
Heidelberger Str. 20
01189 Dresden
Contact: Dr. Jürgen Hofmann
Tel.+49 174 32 00 566

Japan Food Research Laboratories (JFRL)
Testing capabilities according to EHEDG Guideline 2
Tama Laboratory
6-11-10 Nagayama, Tama-shi, Tokyo 206-0025, Japan
Contact: Tadashi Tsuchiya
Tel: +81-3-3469-7135

FIRDI Food Industry Research and Development Institute
Testing capabilities according to EHEDG Guidelines 2, 5, 7
Chiayi Industry Innovation and Research Center.
569, Sec., 2, Bo-Ai Road
60060 Chiayi City
Contact: Shih-Rong Huang
Tel: +886-5-2918910
hsr @firdi.org.tw
Contact: Yu-Ming Chen
Tel: +886-5-2918904
cym @firdi.org.tw

Testing capabilities according to EHEDG Guideline 2
2510 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4539
Contact: Mark T. Morgan, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor and Head,Food Science & Technology Director
Tel. +1 865 974 74 99
Mark.Morgan @utk.edu
Criteria for Acceptance as an EHEDG Authorized Testing Laboratory
SCP 4-3, V4
1. Purpose
These procedures shall be used by SubCom Products Portfolio to evaluate the need to establish a new EHEDG Authorized Testing Laboratory (ATL); and, to evaluate the capabilities of the applicant.
2. Eligibility
- Only EHEDG members, either an Institute or Company member, are eligible to apply to become an ATL.
- The applicant shall submit an application to the ExCo to become a new ATL. The application shall include a business plan to demonstrate their commitment and the need to establish a local ATL in their specific geographical area; how many equipment fabrication facilities are in the proposed service area.
- The ExCo shall accept the proposal on a probationary basis or reject the proposal if not compatible with current EHEDG needs.
3. Probationary Acceptance
- Upon acceptance by the ExCo, the development of the proposed ATL will be assigned to the SubCom Products Portfolio, Working Group Certification (WGC).
- The WGC shall work with the applicant in the following areas;
- Development of a schedule for the implementation of the testing laboratory facilities, hiring of staff, and construction of the necessary test ring(s).
- Selection of at least one Authorised Evaluation Officer (AEO) to oversee the ATL activities. The AEO shall be appointed according to the requirements of SCP 4-10 and have the following qualifications.
- Knowledge and experience of the principles of mechanical engineering.
- A minimum of 5 years' experience working in the field of hygienic design.
- Knowledge and experience of EHEDG test methods and interpretation of results.
- The AEO shall become an active member of the EHEDG WGC and attend at least 3 out of the last 4 sub group meetings. (Meetings are normally held twice each year.)
- The AEO shall successfully complete the EHEDG Advanced Hygienic Engineering Design Course.
- The AEO and nominated ATL staff shall successfully complete competency training for conducting and reporting of the test methods according to the Guidelines by another AEO designated by the WGC.
- The ATL shall be accredited to ISO 17025 for conducting the identified test methods.
The WGC shall hold a meeting at the proposed ATL to witness the performance of the procedures and review the competency of staff prior to making the final recommendation to Sub Com Product Portfolio.
4. Final Acceptance
- Upon Successful completion of the tasks in Section 3 of this SOP, the probationary application will be sent to the Chair, SubCom Products Portfolio for transmission to the ExCo with a recommendation for final approval.
- Upon ExCo acceptance of the recommendation, the Head Office shall notify all the interested parties and list the ATL on the EHEDG web site.
- The ATL will become a participant in tasks as decided by the WGC, including Ring Trials.
- The WGC shall appoint another AEO to witness the first commercial test conducted by the ATL.