EHEDG Elections 2024

In accordance with our statutes, EHEDG uses a staggered election system of these two bodies, to create overlap in the boards in between election periods, and to ensure continuity and facilitate the sharing of ideas and strategies. Therefore only some positions are vacant at the moment.

The following positions are going to be elected online in November 2024 (date to be communicated), for the term 2025-2028 (4 years):

  • the Vice-President (Foundation Board): one vacancy

  • Advisory Board members: two vacancies, 1 representative of food producing companies and 1 representative of equipment suppliers

Elected candidates will represent the interests of EHEDG members around the world and work in synergy with the EHEDG Head Office.


What to do now? EHEDG Members only

You are invited to play a role in shaping the future of our association, by nominating candidates within your organisation (if not yourself), for the open positions by September 16, 2024.

Nominations must include the candidate’s contact details, a brief CV, a photograph, brief description of roles, responsibilities or participation within EHEDG and experience within hygienic design and engineering, and a short motivation letter.

As in previous rounds, an Election Committee will review all nominations and put forward an appropriate number of candidates to the General Assembly for the elections, ensuring that they collectively represent the diversity of the EHEDG network.

The eligible candidates list, the detailed voting procedure and other relevant information will be published on the EHEDG website in a dedicated section, as well as communicated directly to the designated General Assembly representatives, on October 21, 2024.

The rights and duties of the future EHEDG Vice-President and Advisory Board members are described in the EHEDG Constitution and Internal Rules.

Further, the candidates for these positions are expected to:

  • be well familiar and involved with the EHEDG organisation;

  • have advanced knowledge in hygienic design and engineering;

  • have proven leadership qualities and skills;

  • be able to regularly invest time into the EHEDG volunteering work;

  • be prepared to travel and/or remotely attend EHEDG meetings throughout the year.


Click here to nominate yourself or another candidate within your organisation